take a peek into this shui makeover…

one of my most favorite moments in life is getting that first peek into one of my consult homes after the shui has been put into play. today’s “before shot” was circa 2018, so imagine my full-tilt delight last week when i received texts of this transformation. proof of the shui always guarantees BIG smiles here!

in the spirit of how much i LOVE these glimpses, here is your own peek into a sliver of the shui shared during this home’s consult (and in my client’s follow up report):


since we see right out the back windowed sliding door upon entering the house, here are couple options (and please feel free to think outside of these) for getting energy to pool and collect inside:

+ think of the front entry as a template for the rest of the house. hang compelling art on the entry walls – this will give chi pause as she enters your house. what availability is there is on the stairway hall wall? that space could be an excellent opportunity for grabbing energy the minute she steps inside, so use it for art/eye candy if possible.

+ use a rug/runner inside the front door/front hall to slow and stabilize energy.

+ an entry table or bench (where the coat rack sits now) would invite people (energy) in and suggest they stay awhile. a green chi body would make an excellent and lovely greeter, too!

+ a chandelier you LOVE would also be intriguing to the eye and lift the space’s energy. if you pursue this route, a mirror in the room reflecting it would amp up/double the wattage.

+ hang long panels or curtains that partially (or fully) close off the sliding door transparency. this will allow you to dictate better energy flow and it will keep you from feeling exposed. when we are in spaces with potential high visibility, it can subtly wear us down mentally and physically as it primes our subconscious to be on high alert.

no need to do it all – 1-2 mindful changes you LOVE will be enough to corral the energy so it loiters in your home! xo”

she did pretty well, don’t you think? xo