the 5 languages of LOVE: the home edition, part two!

continuing from Friday’s post, here are 12 more ways to lather your home in attention and gratitude using the 5 languages of LOVE…
move 27 things around – this is an expedient way to shake things up! do this quarterly, and you’re guaranteed to move around / into those spaces sometimes overlooked.
turn the lights on (including those outdoor ones!) regularly.
organize your pantry.
keep your working space beautiful. how? let it speak to whatever motivates you – a stack of Post-Its, fresh flowers on the desk, or a heavy crystal to serve both as function (paperweight) and beauty.
plant an herb garden, or dedicate a windowsill to a few pots of whatever you cook with most! not only is this good for the environment, every herb integrates its own magic in / around your home!
keep a signature gift – something you LOVE – near the front door. this could be wrapped candies, sayings on cards, or even a pile of books you’ve read and loved that you are happy to pass on! you never know when you might have a guest who could use a little surprise – and that experience of thoughtfulness will linger in your home for-like-ever!
don’t settle for clutter in your home. otherwise, it will absorb the good energy you’ve created – which is also the energy that keeps you moving in new and positive directions.
grab a few $10 bills, and place them in coat pockets right now. you will plant a little wealth around the house, and that unexpected feeling of a *lucky find* is crazy contagious!
write a letter to your home, describing what you LOVE about it. make a few commitments here to its improvement, too!
inscribe your favorite quote or lyric on card stock, and frame / hang it somewhere you see it every day.
be unexpected in your stylistic expression – let your home match your voice and say something about you that people might not know!
write down 100 things you LOVE about your home! xo