the lovelies | the things they carry

overestimated comments were made to a lovely this week that plummeted her tippy toe happiness.

whenever this happens, my most primal instinct is to become a warrior. fierce anger double pumps vibrant red blood through my entire body. and i want to bite back the fool who underestimated her.

but the thought of my words becoming contagious and our lovelies emulating that part of me is crushing.

so, i am trying {some days are better than others} to hold space for rage to do her dance and speak only when she has given up the spotlight.

it’s not easy for me. not at all.

what i am learning is that acknowledging anger without engaging it sparks something deeper inside me. something better.

after a verrry long exhale, i took both girls outside and drew circles around them.


and i said, “this is your energetic space. it is with you everywhere you go. it’s not very big, but it gives you enough room to carry a few things with you. those things can be words, thoughts, or opinions. but because space is limited, you want to be careful with what you are willing to accept and hold here.

so when someone tells you they think you are not good enough. . .

ask yourself. . .

do i believe this about myself? has anything else in my life ever told me this is true about me?

is this person kind and loving? are they someone i want to emulate? how do they make me feel?

and most importantly, if i put their opinion of me in this small space of mine, how will it feel carrying it around every single day? and is it possible something better could go in its space?

because ugly words are heavy. they slouch your shoulders. they make your back ache. and when you are walking around like that, your view of everything wonderful ahead is diminished.”

i continued, “how about today we trash that sack of humiliating things you were told?

and instead, let’s put something true and really great in your space.

like. . .

you are love.

and you are loved.”

and with that, a light began flickering behind their eyes again. hope restored. confidence brighter than before.


thinking on it all today, i realize it really comes down to this for every single one of us: take what serves you, and leave the rest.
