time for a closet purge? start here!

anytime I am ready to embark on a new path, my closet is where I shui first – and a couple Mondays ago, I gave my closet a gutsy purge. (you can watch here!)

closets (especially ones dedicated to how we dress ourselves) relate to authenticity, identity and personality — which is why “cleaning the closet” is a powerful gesture.

so, save this list for the next time you’re on the precipice of something new, too:

step one: clear everything out so your closet is bare.

step two: put a few towels on the bed (or floor) so you have ample space to place every single piece of clothing.

step three: once the closet is empty, wipe down every corner / shelf / baseboard. vacuum or sweep the floor, too.

and then…

step four: before anything goes back, ask yourself:

what’s my personal style?

do I have a favorite palette to wear +/or a personal power color?

how do I spend my time?

look for the clothing that speaks to who YOU are becoming. pay attention to what lights you up; crowns you gloriously when wearing it; and feels so good, you could live in it for days. put those items back first.

as for the rest…

step five: if the clothes don’t fit…

if those clothes don’t make you feel better than you look…

if they don’t represent who you’re becoming…

consider letting them go!

step six: I would also pay attention to…

any color(s) you seem to be getting rid of (more than the others). there is a 5 element connection there, so if you are letting go of one element more than the others, it suggests you are moving into a different season of your life!

any brand or store that isn’t resonating like it does online or when you’re at the counter. this will help curb future impulse shopping!

my recent closet overhaul has me feeling ready for the next stage, so remember this (especially when you’re in the messy middle)…

open space in your closet signals that new things (attitudes and ways of being) are not only welcome in your life, they are deliberately being invited into your world! xo