Wise Words

Are you watching the Master Class series? {I hope so…}

Here's the thing.

I love great minds. As a perpetual student, very few experiences rival absorbing the wisdom that comes through stories of experience. I will move mountains to share breathing space with those whom I respect + revere, rapt with joy.


Years ago, I attended a lecture given by Maya Angelou. And lingering today is residual awe from that moment of my life. As Dr. Angelou entered the room, I wept. That's what great energy can do.

If you have never read one of her books or heard her speak, she is truly a master wordsmith. The way she commands vocabulary so beautifully + effortlessly is staggering. Yesterday, I watched Maya Angelou's master class on OWN. Again, I found myself overwhelmed by the magnitude of her excellence. And grace. And that reassuring, beckoning smile.

In the midst of her reflections, she said this:

Words have power. They are things. When you speak them, they get on your walls, on to your upholstery, underneath the carpet, and eventually into you.

I believe in the power of words. Absolutely. But to hear it phrased just so put everything on pause. I profess clearing clutter, setting specific + measurable intentions, and giving thanks. {All are excellent game-changers.} But to overlook our daily pirouetting of words? Wow. It seems this is the simplest and most complicated place to start when we yearn for more…more happiness, more energy, more of the good stuff.

Be mindful of what you say…for now you know it fills your home + head + heart. And, as Ms. Angelou says, when you know better, you do better.