you’re 10 minutes away from a tidy nightstand…

tell me this: has your bedside table become a catchall for stacks of books, a stash of lotions (or essential oils), electronics and an assortment of tinctures and random things?

I know mine often looks like a Jenga tower of books. and the thing is – sometimes, I adore that ambitious pile of reads.

other times, though, I feel restless at night (when I should be sleeping). I wake up with my mind already on the run – and I can’t slow it down. and if this happens to also be when I am trying to “hear” the muses or get the inspiration to land, I know all those voices bedside compete for (dare I say, distract?) my full attention.


if you feel like this is you, too, I have a quick template for filtering out what’s essential while still holding onto your own personal style on that trusty bedside table!

step one: decide what is essential – and that’s what stays. ‘essential’ is whatever you reach for regularly.

for me, this includes my reading glasses, lip balm, hand cream, my glass for water, a notebook and pen (inside the drawer), and whatever book(s) I am reading.

Feng Shui expert tip: the first time you edit your nightstand, this part will take longer; however, here is your fail-safe plan moving forward: before anything goes bedside, know where else it can live, especially if it’s something not tried and true to your nighttime ritual.

my books, for instance, can easily go on a shelf in another room…

lotions can be distributed to my purse, my car, and my office…

you get the idea…

step two: toss any lingering magazines or catalogs that you’re no longer reading or are out of season.

step three: give your nightstand a salty wipe down (if it is surface tolerant) before you put anything back. if a salty cleanse will harm the table’s material, use a clean, dry cloth to wipe it down and a barely damp microfiber cloth to buff and shine it.

step four: if possible, before putting anything back, add a soft lighting source (if you don’t currently have one). this will curate a nighttime ambience that harsh overhead lighting cannot pull off. and if your don’t have a lamp bedside, try a salt lamp.

Feng Shui expert tip: if you’re limited on space, try hanging a wall sconce. there are so many options now that simply plug into the wall, so win-win!

step five: as you return what remains, ‘contain’ what you can – with either a tray (to hold anything that might get knocked over accidentally while you sleep) or use a drawer to hold some of your essentials.

Feng Shui expert tip: trays are also a fabulous metaphor for wealth because they suggest “holding onto / accumulating resources.”

step six: incorporate something that suggests luxury – for me, this is usually a candle or hand lotion that feels indulgent.

the nightstand holds enormous influence since it resides close to where we sleep, so prioritize tending this space. when you fall asleep and wake up to a space you LOVE seeing, you experience pleasure – and in the words of Charles Eames, you deserve to “take your pleasure seriously.” xo