A Word About AP Style


AP…short for Amanda Peters. I am the namesake of this blog, and here is what I obsess over…

Color. Copious amounts of eye-popping color. I love bold walls and bright fabrics. I love finding that "just right" thing that makes its own statement and magically ties an entire room together. As we get to know each other, you will understand this about me.

Art Project 2008 (1)

Music. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it…like, I cannot get enough. There is something utterly blissful about hearing a song that captures a feeling that is otherwise out-of-reach. One of my guiltiest pleasures is spending days, even weeks (YIKES!) creating the perfect mix for friends and awaiting their feedback…


Organization. I almost feel like the period there is misleading because when it comes to creating order, I like to pull my crazy out! I don't do well with chaos and mess UNLESS I am there to fix it, clean it, straighten it, IMPROVE IT!!! I have methods — many, many methodsthat I use to keep my bumbling house in order that I will share…over time…so I do not overwhelm you…


And last, but certainly not least, I have an editorial eye. My most natural ability is to organize information and simplify it to its finest points. Turns out, I can do this with words OR homes. I have keen intuition and am hyper-selective…prudish really!

All of these elements create me, my composition…AP Style.