Hello, hello! I am Amanda Gibby Peters – and I help people fall in love with their homes.
How? It begins with a conversation between your home and you.
No matter the house or amount of space…
No matter your challenges or circumstances…
No matter what you think you “know for sure” about your home…
I see opportunities everywhere.
And in any given environment – including yours – my intention is to open that door for you and show you just how prolific your home is right now.
Way before I started practicing Feng Shui, my entire world was communication. Before I was 30, I had worked professionally in communication management in the non-profit world (I was a director for the Girl Scouts); for a universally recognized brand (the 2002 Winter Olympics); and for the government (I worked with the Senate Conference Committee on the Hill). I loved it all, so I went back to school and received my Master in Communication degree, and then…

Life pivoted – as it does.
Our girls came into the world; my husband’s job relocated us; and we found ourselves in a new-to-us house that wasn’t feeling like home.
I’ve told this story here, but I knew something was different about us in our new place. And on the edge of a tumultuous few months, I grabbed a book and treated it like an oracle. Whatever it said was going to be my hand to higher ground.
My eyes landed on two words: Feng Shui.
First impressions? It sounded dubious, mystical, and certainly not my cuppa. But this was the early 2000s when blogs were all the rage, so I saw an opportunity (do you sense a theme?).
What if I blogged about applying Feng Shui to our home and shared any “results” in my daily posts?
And that was that.
I bought a book, made my list of “to do’s”, and off my skepticism went to prove this “change your home, change your life” was nonsense.
Except. Things did start improving – gradually at first, irrefutably eventually. There were too many coincidences happening, so I had a choice: Continue being the skeptic or become the student and learn what was really happening within our home.
I read all the books I could get my hands on (this was pre-Amazon).

I constantly practiced in my home and the homes of any family and friends who’d let me.
I poured over magazines and watched shows, “practicing” how I would apply what I was learning.
I hired several practitioners to give us consultations – one of them who quickly became a mentor and friend. And at her encouragement, I found a certification program to immerse myself in so I could begin learning the language for this life-changing wisdom.
After a couple years of practice and starting my own consulting business, I enrolled in an advanced certification program – determined to understand the differences between the various schools of Feng Shui and why there are so many contradictions within this practice.
Along the way, I noticed the overlap in other “new-age” wisdoms, so I invested in learning from other practitioners fluent in reading energy that is around us. When I look back at it all now, I had no idea where I was going but I was always eyes wide open for the next opportunity, so…
What started out as posting on my blog eventually led to contributing articles to online spaces, like MindBodyGreen and Clementine Daily.
At the encouragement of a mastermind group, I made a few videos on Vimeo and slowly warmed to the camera – a decision that led to Shui Time.
After blogging for-like-ever, I decided to create a bundle of workbooks – and that decision led to writing my first book.
I was invited to curate curriculum for other thought leaders and influencers, which in turn, gave me the nerve to start teaching Simple Shui classes.
Several years of teaching classes became the catalyst for sharing shui even more, so I launched my own podcast, House Therapy.
And when I decided to finally take the plunge and build a certification program, that decision was carried forward by the momentum of my education, experience, expertise, and…
Nestled in every next step along my way here are the hundreds of clients who’ve invited me into their homes and lives.
Simple Shui exists because of the it all – the readers who commented and asked me questions on the blog in those early days; the communities that trusted me with their audiences and let me keep the shui conversations simmering; the classes I taught and students who showed up with their own questions and curiosities; and my clients – from every stretch and walk of life – who’ve challenged me in the best possible ways to always find the opportunities.
Thanks to every single place and face, it’s also why I know this wisdom is not income, design or circumstance dependent.
You do not need to live in the house of your dreams for your surroundings to trigger the opportunities to make those dreams a reality.
I believe and know that what we experience in life is reflected energetically around us. And when we understand that, our home becomes a collaborative partner willing to help us influence what’s happening around us in the most delightful ways.
Even better? When we improve our home, it generates and triggers power within ourselves!
So, if I am an expert at anything, it is this: I navigate people closer to their full potential by helping them tell better stories. Words, actions, intentions, and our surroundings are opportunities to generate new energy with some straight talk.
Which is why I know once you get a whiff of what’s possible – and have a little of this fluency for yourself – you’ll discover a whole new way of seeing your surroundings – one that will be with you everywhere you go.
Welcome to Simple Shui – please come in! xo

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