are you hoarding these?

let’s talk about a type of clutter many of us hoard and are guilty of, myself included: energetic “tools.” this conversation began for me in my very first shui training, when the instructor encouraged our class to think of all energy tools (plants, crystals, etc.) like pets. she asked us, “how many pets do you think you could realistically and responsibly take care of?”

much like pets, our energetic tools require maintenance and care. if they don’t receive what they need – including our regular attention – their energy is compromised, which then compromises the chi around us.

so, let’s take a quick look at how collecting / hoarding a few can take your chi from juicy to drained:

crystals from the earth transform a space with their presence and help hold our intentions. but tell me this: how many intentions can you focus on at a time? the “medicine” we work with requires our participation, right? so, if you haven’t dusted, held, and loved your earth rocks in a while, consider re-igniting their chi by getting reacquainted with them before adding any newbies to the bunch.

any plant ladies out there? as someone who has her own jungle, this weakness is reeeal. obviously, plants need regular watering and sun, but they also require fertilizer and dusting. and truthfully, a little conversation helps them out heaps, too. plants are fabulous on every level – until their health is compromised. and then, understand that reciprocity has consequences. if your chi buddies struggle, it suggests you are/will, too.

as for the smudge sticks now readily available almost everywhere, here’s something to consider: how much “plant” do you need to create a good smolder? i’ve discovered that when i’m quickly smudging a room, a leaf or two are potent enough to clear the air. i now buy either very small bundles or loose leaf sage. like any medicine, sage and other herbs work best when we respect them – and that means not stocking up on more than we need.

energetic tools represent possibility, but with that comes responsibility. i have found if i commune with my tools (like, naming my plants!), it keeps me in a sustainable and cooperative space with my energetic “pets”! xo