before you get started with Feng Shui, ask yourself this…

it’s easy to get distracted with Feng Shui’s many features — the 5 elements, the bagua, space clearing, yin/yang balance, power spots… the list goes on. so, it makes sense that the application of it all can become overwhelming.

did you know one of the first things i do in a consult is ask Qs? i can’t possibly determine where to start without identifying objectives, expectations, and situations a client faces. the answers almost always dictate where i begin — not some template or formula. so, in that spirit, here are a few Qs you can *borrow* that have more bandwidth (for making BIG shifts happen) than you’d expect:

what in this space is representative of where i want to be in 2-5 years? living with what you LOVE includes working with your home as a vision board. ask yourself: what would i like to forecast for myself? once you know, incorporate some visible proof of that energy in your surroundings — and then whistle while your shui goes to work!

does anything distort observations of myself +/or experiences i’ve had? we often find *proof* of this in our closets — the WHAT IFS, the artifacts of stories we’d like to move past, +/or the visual insistence that change isn’t possible for us. let go of those items, and the energy promoting those sabotaging beliefs loses velocity.

what holds my attention hostage from where i really want to focus? clutter is often procrastination in disguise — and remember, clutter can show up in all sorts of ways.

is there anything in this space “holding me back?” pay cautionary attention to the stories you hear as you consider what surrounds you. everything is energy, and everything is connected so any story you don’t like is waging influence in your life. xo