consider an energy map for 2025…
you know that every area of your life is represented in your home right now – and by ‘home’, I mean whether it’s a house, a condo, an apartment, a dorm room, a rental, a room in a home, or a shared space.
that’s right – there’s an area dedicated to making money, one for saving money, another for networking socially and one for networking professionally, a space for health, a nook for love…and so on.
which means…
your surroundings – whatever they are – possess life-changing magic and there’s actually a blueprint for working with all of it intentionally.
if you’ve been dabbling or practicing shui for a while, you are likely familiar with this energy mapping tool – known as the bagua [bah-gwah].
if this happens to be brand new information, let me just say: this Feng Shui map turns your everyday surroundings into your very own life-sized vision board.
as you start to make some plans for 2025, use your home!
and per my usual, I come bearing a few ideas (and spaces) to get that brainstorm brewing:
starting in Wisdom and Self-Cultivation, ask yourself: what new year resolutions or self-improvement are priorities this year?
now, are there any images, books, statues, +/or something that suggests this personal or spiritual growth? if so, place it in this area of your home.

alternatively, is there a change you want to make in your life – something that at the end of 2025 you can say “I DID IT!”? reverse engineer this, and how can you represent this accomplishment in your space now?
let’s mosey up to the Wealth and Prosperity area now, and ask yourself: how can I invest in myself this year? we often think of Wealth as money, but it is more accurately the accumulation of resources – which means any investment in you is a form of wealth!
if you imagine a future where anything is possible, what comes up for you? place something that ‘matches’ that answer here.
for example, if abundance feels like an out-of-reach experience for you, find your favorite mantras or affirmations, and give them good real estate here – maybe even write them out in gold sharpie! cultivating an abundance mindset is one of the best investments we can make with our time.
moving over to Love and Relationships, ask yourself: am I taking advantage of opportunities as they present themselves? oooh – that’s a good question to ponder because if you’re not, ‘X’ marks the spot for better support here!
what is something that would suggest prioritizing a little more (or a lot more) self-care this year? place it here, sweets! and if improving your relationship game is on your BINGO card (whether that is with a partner, a team, your social network, clients), what does that feel like to you? place something that embodies ‘opening your heart’ here for 2025.
let’s wrap in Helpful People and Travel – ask yourself: what would give me confidence to make some BIG MOVES in 2025? when it comes to everything lining up and feeling like you finally have some permanent footing, this area is your GO TO guide!
what does broadening your horizon look like – is it meeting someone new, moving to a new city, stepping into a different role or career, or betting on yourself in a BIG way? whatever that answer is for you, place something here that captures it. and while you’re here, go ahead and write down and display “miracles happen every day!”
pretty inviting and enticing, right?
size matters here, so if you want to experience BIG changes and shifts, make those suggestions (mentioned above) BIG. BIG changes in your space suggest BIG changes in your life, so don’t be shy or small.
and on that note…
there are NEW conversations coming into the BYOFSC community, so if you don’t have a seat yet, grab one soon! our first new workshop is all about the bagua! xo