do you *match* your space?

your space – wherever you are – is always influencing you. so, ask yourself: what would be possible if you dedicated a little more resource (time, money, effort, patience) to making your *home* accommodate you?

after years of working with clients, i know this: most of us want more flow and ease. no matter the problem or goal, we’re looking for energetic accommodation.

here’s what else i know: it helps BIG time to make your space MATCH that energy.

no idea where to even start? here are 3 excellent options:

clear your clutter. clutter is stagnation. it is indecision. it is exhaust fumes. and it is holding you to your past (decisions, choices, doubts, regrets…) – the opposite of accommodation and ease.

elevate your prosperity consciousness. it’s this simple: do the little things that feel really good. they add up. and one really good day can feel like a million bucks, right? so, make that possibility normal and inevitable. buy ridiculously good coffee and honor a ritual in the morning to celebrate this abundance. open the drapes / blinds and let the sunlight flood your space – feeling the appreciation for so much abundance. light a fancy candle at your desk. buy yourself a bouquet of fresh flowers JUST BECAUSE. splurge on some new sheets. the little things – happiness studies agree – are where BIG mindset shifts happen.

make a BOLD statement in your home. COVID has really turned the tide on curating Insta-worthy homes – we’re after comfort now more than ever. so, ride the wave and do something creative, original, and stylistically YOU in your house. no permission needed! not only will people witness the real you – hello, courage! it also makes you more comfortable with her. and because you’re not chasing anyone else’s dreams, this allows you to both assert and dwell in your incantation. someone say POWERHOUSE?

choose NOW to make choices that feel like flow and ease in your house, and within 6 months, your life will feel / look / be different. and if you want to dedicate a little more effort, let’s talk. a few months with me right now will pay itself forward for years to come! xo