Feng Shui didn’t work…now what?

here’s a scoop of truth talk: shui won’t work if you don’t. it’s not enough to want change; you have to show up. engage in the process, especially the stuff you resist! and then, no judging. that’s right. you gotta first trust it’s working. now, because the path is different for everyone, here are a few things i’ve learned that make this mildly easier.

Louise Hay spoke often about “releasing the need.” she taught us that when we commit to making a change, sometimes our situation seems to get worse. in shui, this can happen. shui triggers opportunities, for certain. but, sometimes those opportunities are work we’ve avoided — and we want to opt out again. other times, we shui and then it appears everything is falling apart. so, it makes sense to feel panic and want to stop. a seed breaks down before it can grow, and guess what? you are no different. so, IF things seem to break down, read it is as a sign your situation is beginning to move a better direction and keep going!

watch out for your own impatience. when a client tells me something hasn’t changed, what they mean is it hasn’t changed on their timeline. remember, shui works with seen and unseen energies, so a lack of visible results is hardly “proof” the shui isn’t working. in the book Signs by @lauralynnejackson, she says we only see 15% of the energy here on Earth. (staggering, no?) meanwhile, that impatience for proof actually becomes a form of resistance in your evolution. if you don’t stay open to the lessons presenting, you won’t have what you need to create the outcome you desire.

finally, instead of feeling powerless, notice when your mood and energy are low. when worry has crept back in, deliberately CHOOSE to reframe the story you want to tell yourself with a positive spin! psst…this is why having something you LOVE in your space helps BIG! it is a visual distraction. an affirmation. and a token of LOVE to encourage you to stay in the work and space where possibility grows! xo