hello, 50!
I turn 50 today, and my excitement cannot be emphasized enough!
so, in the spirit of last year’s birthday post, here’s a working list of what 5 decades have taught me…
make your bed – it’s worth the effort.
outside your comfort zone is where the best stories begin…
preparation is important, but execution matters more.
you are the most valuable resource in your life, so invest in yourself. you are always ‘worth’ it!
take the nap.
don’t have time to rest? beware of burnout because that requires taking the long, long way back.
ask questions – unapologetically.
consider the source of criticism first, especially if you wouldn’t seek advice from that source.
choose your hard. it’s not my quote, but something my husband and I say often to each other, “easy decisions, hard life. hard decisions, easy life.”
splurge on the flowers.

hug your kids until they let go.
know your non-negotiables. mine are the little details that stitch together my everyday – like coffee, candles, and good hand creams. know yours, so you always have something to look forward to…
respect yourself over being liked.
‘knowing what to do’ and ‘doing the thing’ are not the same thing. remember that.
tip generously.
buy the book – you’re supporting an artist, validating the creative process, and celebrating the art of storytelling with your purchase.
quality over quantity.
invest in your bedroom – and take your time. indulgence and luxury here have a compounding return.
prioritize having more fun.
everything is connected.
ask yourself often, “what is the most loving thing I can do for myself right now?” and do it. (thank you, Anna Drew, for teaching me this.)
travel – you’ll have way more faith in the world if you meet it.
going for a walk is good for what ails you.
find a way to be part of your community – common threads matter in a world that insists on tearing us apart.
treat your time better. you can always make / borrow more money, but you can’t make / borrow more time.
consistency is preparation.
support small businesses and artists – your dollar is actually felt, counted, and invested well when you do.
it’s never too late.
beware of getting too comfortable – that can subtly become a rut.
remind yourself you don’t have the answer yet when you’re in a tough spot.
wear sunscreen – and don’t forget your hands!
make one BOLD declaration every year. write it down or say it out loud every day, and watch what it summons!
pay attention. show up. be present.
dress the part, and you’ll act the part.
edit first; add second – in your expectations, your closet and home, your life.
LOVE your people hard.
cleaning your house does make everything feel a little better.
if you wouldn’t want to do it tomorrow, say NO when someone asks for your time down the road.
leave yourself a little open space – in your home, your schedule, and every day. it tells the muses you’ve saved some room for unexpected magic!
recall one delicious detail of your day, every day.
good things take time.
carry a book with you – in your purse, your car, when you travel.
make someone’s life a little (or a lot) easier whenever the opportunity presents.
“health” deserves the top spot on your list – without it, nothing else matters.
put yourself “up” every time you put yourself down.
compromise is the secret ingredient in enduring relationships.
trust your gut over logic.
look for magic, and you’ll almost always find some.
don’t let “what if” sabotage you – take the risk, make the BIG move, go where you think you can’t. if it doesn’t work out, you tried, but…
imagine the possibilities if it does!
say YES to what excites you, what terrifies you, what challenges you… and be ready for the catapult!
and on that note…
here’s to another 50, dare I be so lucky! xo