house therapy | shui life lessons, part two

we’re picking up this week where we left off last week, so if you missed that episode of House Therapy, go give it a listen first!

this week’s conversation is part two of my favorite shui life lessons – because, as I mentioned previously, if you can let these concepts sink in, a lot of the confusion we feel confronted with when it comes to shui gets diluted.

so, here’s a quick glimpse at my list; however, both podcast episodes are plump full of stories and insights that ultimately created this *Top Ten*:

life lesson one: every situation is nuanced — there truly isn’t a one-size fits all answer.

life lesson two: change takes a minute; consistency is the accelerant.

life lesson three: it’s never as good or as bad as you think.

life lesson four: subjectivity is at the heart of e’rrything, so ask Qs rather than judgements.

life lesson five: you can’t *want something more* into happening for someone.

life lesson six: life isn’t meant to be transactional.

life lesson seven: “this, too, shall pass.”

life lesson eight: getting out of your mind and into your body matters.

life lesson nine: there is (almost) always another option.

life lesson ten: one small change can literally make all the difference.

one more thing…

when you’re done with this two-part episode, leave a little rating / review LOVE before dashing back into your week. every ounce of YAY helps the shui show up in someone else’s day! xo