how people feel about a home…

we’ve all heard a realtor say *curb appeal* – turns out, science can back that up. how people feel about and remember a home is tied directly to how they’re feeling as they approach the door.


how people feel in our home has less to do with their stylistic preferences and more to do with how personable our spaces feel. that’s right – your personality bouncing around equals guests feeling more at ease and welcome under your roof.

now, i don’t encourage styling for other people’s approval, but i find these are two excellent perspectives to consider when we want to read the energy around us. our homes are always a reflection of our energy, but we easily become too familiar (and sometimes indifferent) to our surroundings.


if you need to jostle a little magic loose, here are a few suggestions you can do in the spirit of cultivating comfort (and high vibe chi!) for anyone coming your way. promise yourself now, though, that long after the guests leave, you remain devoted to these FEEL GOOD choices!

a bright light on in the evenings – the porch light or in the entry. extra chi points if you mix in twinkling lights!

your favorite candle / incense in the living room with matches nearby – ambience is everything!

the fireplace ready to stoke during fall and winter, and fresh flowers in front of it during “off season.”

a bowl of individually foil-wrapped chocolates – who doesn’t LOVE a glint of gold?

a stack of your favorite books nearby – with a bookmark holding the page of your favorite quote / part of the story.

a playlist or stack of vinyls at the ready for any and every mood – hey, Mr. DJ!

a pile of freshly laundered blankets – great in the winter and fab for the summer (those with A/C, you feel me, right?)

a luxe bar or bottle of soap in the guest bath – with full permission to use it when company leaves!

an assortment of teas, hot chocolate +/or coffee that makes a spot of warm easy to conjure – and chilled bubbles (someone say Champagne or sparkling water?) in the fridge!

while you can’t see the mechanical magic occurring, rest assure: every dose of TLC you deliver is literally transforming the energy of your home and that absolutely empowers YOU! xo