make it morning friendly (part two)
over on a recent episode of House Therapy, I shared 5 ways to optimize your mornings so you start the day, every day, ready to fulfill those new year goals.
we often focus so much on the goal(s) itself without properly vetting and prepping our environment. and yet, our living background exacts tremendous influence on our success. so, here’s a quick look at those first 5 considerations:
no. 1: start the night before
no. 2: optimize your bedroom
no. 3: soak up the sun
no. 4: green it up!
no. 5: design the space for your creativity or work to happen!

there are 5 more tips equally pertinent for being in the best “crush those goals” shape, so be sure to add these to your immediate TO DO list, too:
no. 6: prioritize the bathroom
in the general world of shui topics, bathrooms tend to get dragged – as if they’re a ‘problem’ in the home instead of a BIG help. I mean, where do you go to…
…tend your personal hygiene?
…elevate your self-care?
a well-cared for bathroom offers an unmatched precision to starting your day off on the right note!
no. 7: prep your kitchen
it always bears repeating: the kitchen is a seat of health and wealth. we need healthy fuel to stoke that inner fire and sustain our energy. so, look at what expectations your goals have set for you, and then set up your kitchen so that it encourages your ‘best choices’ – especially first thing in the mornings.
no. 8: play something uplifting
it took me years to get into podcasts, and now that I am ‘addicted’, I spend way less time enjoying music. the thing is, though, in all the interviews I listen to on these pods, the most successful people have rituals and routines built around music, so…
this suggestion is on my 2025 goals. I am creating a relaxation list and a motivation mix – and then, depending on the day’s demands, I have a playlist ready to help me rock or roll!
no. 9: stop tolerating unnecessary stress – also known as clutter
remember, clutter is defined by you, so this isn’t a rally cry for minimalism. however, it is an invitation to reduce any chaos by finding everything you own its own home; choosing simplicity where it makes sense (like your bedroom!); and releasing what feels disruptive to your focus this year.
no. 10: dedicate a space for mindfulness (or meditation)
do you have a dedicated touchstone spot where you can center your thoughts before diving into the day, your work, or even conversations?
by the way, this isn’t about needing more square footage. it is about honoring a space with a token or two (a chair or the corner of a couch, comfortable textures, plants, art that puts you at ease) that invites (or even reminds) you to slow down.
we have a couch in our room. it blocks some of our ceiling-to-floor windows that would look so marvelous with chairs there instead, but…
it is where we start our day.
nothing fancy. cushions, coffee, and quiet really do make all the difference. my husband – for years – has said it is his favorite time of day.
and on that note…
even if you take only 1-2 ideas from this list, I can promise you that ‘designing’ your home with physical, mental, and emotional well-being as priorities, you create an environment where your morning rituals and yearly intentions become easier to follow and more effective. so, go forth with your goals in mind and make your house a powerful ally this year! xo