Q & A: do have any Feng Shui tips for when you’re low on funds?

what are top 3 tips for when you’re low on funds?

FACE YOUR LIFE. does your desk currently rest against the wall? if it does, do you ever feel like you “hit the wall” on projects or opportunities? in Feng Shui, the ideal placement for a desk is to face the doorway. more specifically, a little off to the side instead of directly in front of the door. however, this arrangement isn’t economical in all spaces. so, instead, hang a print of an open landscape (even if you print one off the internet) on the facing wall. this will feel liberating. not only does this bring nature indoors – a symbol of growth and nourishment – but it provides YOU plenty of room to embody and pursue all of your big ideas. 

WALK YOUR HOUSE EVERY DAY. when we honor morning routines – like turning on lamps, opening the shades and waking up our house – we mindfully replenish the energy around us. and by patiently tucking our home in at night, we once again carry our appreciation for the things we have into every corner. this daily conversation and beautiful practice cultivate gratitude, room by room, reminding us to love the things we’ve got instead of the things we want. 

GRAB THE BROOM. sweeping is an excellent ritual to incorporate into a daily or weekly routine. first, think of any ritual as a servant of your intention. since frequency creates frequency, the more you honor any ritual you set, the more energy you collect around your intention. eventually, those intentions manifest and become a frequent experience in your life. personally, i LOVE to regularly sweep outside our front door. this signals to the universe we are open for luck to find us. i give thanks for the day or week and all its possibilities. whenever we align quality attention with a ritual, our intentions are given the spotlight. xo