Q & A: i’m allergic to incense – what alternatives do you recommend for “clearing the air?”

“i suffer from allergies and find incense smoke too cloying. what alternatives do you recommend for ‘clearing the air?'”

keep a stash of beeswax candles. they curate a magic all their own. they have a long burn time. they are hypo-allergenic because there are no additives. and they generate negative ions – which possess mood boosting superpowers! 

add a few fresh orange peels or several drops of pure orange essential oil to a spray bottle, and fill it with water. this bright concoction is a negativity disinfectant, busting up stubborn vibes and heavy moods. when the low notes start crooning, walk around your home and liberally spritz them away.

salt is one of the most yang, natural elements – and it offers protection from unwanted, negative energies. so, salt is a good thing to have on hand when good and bad energies collide. instead of simply leaving bowls of salt out, however, let’s make this more glamorous, yes? use Himalayan salt candle holders to set the mood AND keep negative ions (nature’s feel good vibes) floating through the air! xo