Show Me the Bagua…

I feel it is time to introduce the bagua because, really, if I am going to teach anything at all about feng shui, we need to have this understanding. So, without further adieu…


Like the notation below the map instructs, align the bagua from your front door. Your entryway will most likely fall into one of the front squares — Knowledge, Career, or Helpful People. Even if you enter your home through a garage door, as most of us do, still line this up from your front door. I’ll explain later…

The bagua represents energy sections of any area you choose to place the map over, such as your home, office, desk, bed…pretty much anything. If you really try thinking about space in terms of these 9 squares, you will be “bagua-ing” everything before long. Start by mapping out your home with this 9-square grid, preferably on paper, so you make the visual connection between what each room represents and what that area currently looks like. Feng shui interpretation is quite literal.

I encourage all beginners to keep in mind that feng shui is about creating space for chi (energy) to flow comfortably. The best description: Think of a home that just feels right every time you enter OR how a space might feel better after you move it around. It is almost certain feng shui principles are in effect. We all “do” feng shui without realizing it — clearing clutter, creating welcoming spaces, opening windows — so I am here to offer a few more advanced tips that might just improve the energy of your environment.

Once I explain the meanings of each area and suggest basic adjustments you can make,  I am guessing you will see how much fun this is… So let’s make this a summer of shui, shall we?


***Map copied from