Q & A: any feng shui tips to help me get more time and money?

most clients that come to me are suffering from a form of “not enough” syndrome – either there’s not enough ‘cushion’ to invest in a consult. or, they are overwhelmed by allll the demands pulling on them and struggle finding the time to make a few changes in their space. if you suffer from resource-depletion, too, today’s Q is for you!

THE QUESTION: are there feng shui tips that can help you get more time and money so that they will no longer be such a negating factor?


want more time?

heavy objects will hand the hustle a cue and slow life down to a reasonable pace – which is particularly welcome when you’re at wits’ end with an all-consuming TO DO list. you might. . .

  • keep a large potted plant, either inside or outside the house, as the weight of its presence gives off a BIG CHILL vibe.
  • disperse rocks as décor or talismans around a room, and let them ooze their restorative charm.
  • if you’re feeling really unsettled, place a rock in each corner of a room – like your bedroom or office. this remedy grounds the space, holds the room’s energy in place, and gives you a moment to catch your breath.
  • work with what you’ve got and assign new meaning to anything hefty in your space. these items take on a new role when paired with our intention, providing us reassuring stability when we really need it!



want more money?

whether there’s not enough money coming in… or money comes in, but it goes right back out… or there is a mountain of debt in front of you… or you feel there’s never enough to make you happy or secure…

the first order of business is clear the psychic clutter – you know, past conditioning; childhood experiences; and/or defeating thoughts. and a sure-shot way to shatter these sabotaging patterns/stories is ritualize INTENTION and GRATITUDE. intention helps us discern what is vital in our space, so we can confidently eliminate the environmental metaphors holding us hostage. meanwhile, gratitude opens our blocked channels within so we can hear our intuition. put these on your TO DO list every single day. practice them with everything you’ve got. and i promise, you’ll be dazzled by the changes!

and while you do that work. . .

look for pockets and places of stuck energy (clutter; little or no open space). a likely comrade of debt is unnecessary clutter, specifically papers + old files + forgotten piles of magazines + clothing not worn + anything suggesting “poor me.”

when we cling to clutter, energy isn’t circulating freely around us. it gets sticky and oppressive, similar to how we feel under the weight of debt. it takes high energy to make positive changes, so start by releasing what you don’t LOVE or need simply for the energy win.

and if you want your money magic to gain momentum. . .

be honest about your stuff.

reconcile the difference between ‘getting more’ and ‘letting energy flow.’

and clear literal room in your space to receive what you’re requesting to flow your way!
