until you make clutter a priority…

start a discussion about de-cluttering, and it usually generates hullabaloo. for some, clearing clutter is religion; others simply prefer stuff. while i relish order and its composition, i’ve learned when we clear clutter without intention and love, it is an inflammatory endeavor.

my strategy? look for what works well in a space and strengthen it by eliminating unnecessary noise.

Feng Shui observes everything is energy and everything is connected — which means every single thing we own carries an energy that is either documenting or derailing our enthusiasm.

so, a few field notes before you romp into yours…

not all clutter is created equally. it isn’t just the junk drawer or the embarrassing closet no one opens. it’s the pretties, too. the things we hold onto because of cost and labels. approval from friends. encouragement from style-makers. the question is: do YOU love it?

clutter is insidious – and it absolutely infiltrates other parts of your life. until you make clutter a priority, it will impact your priorities. try this: clear a space (or pare it down to the essentials) and leave it *bare* for 9 days. pay attention to any unexpected changes +/or coincidences that occur. and when those 9 days are over, be specific about what you really missed. that’s what goes back — remember, you’re authoring your own story so choose the things that support where you’re going and who you’re becoming. once you *see* how congestive clutter is, you’ll connect the dots to how it’s affecting your life. and that clarity delivers unrivaled permission to decide what stays and goes.

finally, organization is not the same as getting rid of clutter. while the two seem collaborative, it’s been my experience we sabotage our efforts if we do them both at once. because organized clutter is still clutter. take an unpaid bill – even if you tuck that sucker out of sight, you still owe the money, right? same goes for clutter. whether it’s organized or out of sight, clutter affects our homes and lives. so, clear the stuff first; organize second. xo