what shui can i do RIGHT NOW? (coronavirus edition)

i often tell people we don’t shui in moments of desperation because our energy infiltrates that work. so, initially, RIGHT NOW, while we are becoming acquainted with the fear that seems to be mutating hourly… we are going to focus on the little things we can do to make sure we edify our energy and nourish ourselves first before enacting any BIG changes.

i have a list of 4 things for you, but let me first impress upon you: Feng Shui is not an inoculation. i can’t guarantee you or i won’t get sick or experience some form of hardship before we are through this. but what i do know from personal experience is this:

Feng Shui clears the space for the best possible energy to get to you (and this is next-level important if you do get sick).

Feng Shui enhances our clarity (which is often undervalued until it comes time to make difficult decisions or discern our next move).

and. . .

Feng Shui improves the energy around you, making you (and your loved ones) less susceptible to the lowest notes out there right now.

the 4 tips i am sharing with you today are what i repeatedly do. so, i have every confidence in their powers of persuasion. i can look back and see how guidance and solutions showed up exactly how and when i needed it.

walk your house, your space, even your room – every day – with an energy enhancer. for me, it is a Palo Santo stick. but, you can sing. you can ring a bell. you can peel an orange and leave a rind in each room. spritz your favorite essential oil – right now, orange and eucalyptus are a great combo bc they legit CLEAR THE AIR. listen, i don’t want you not doing this because you “don’t have supplies.” so, at the very least, open a window. we do this so we can layer positive energy every day in our space. i don’t know about you, but i like many deposits in my bank, not just one. this is the same concept. let’s layer up on high vibes.

clean your bedroom NOW. bedrooms are often put last on the list of priorities for all the excuses, and we can chat about that another time. today, this space is a non-negotiable priority. i often chirp that this space represents stillness, sensuality, and sleep. it also represents boundaries and self-care. and when we are sick, the last thing we need is to convalesce with chaos around us. so, clean your room. get everything cleaned out from under your bed. dust everything – the tops of your lamp shades and headboard and ceiling fan. vacuum behind the bed. wash the bedding. move out the clutter and any non-essentials from the bedroom. trust me, this is one space you want rigged in your favor! (THIS IS YOUR BIG assignment for the week.) 

YANG it up. illness is often associated with excessive yin energy. so, get in habitual use of music, fresh flowers and plants, light, and activity as ways to keep energy on her feet. currently, i am bringing in bright colors everywhere. the other day i bought every color of carnation available and put those in a vase. i took a bright red and orange beach blanket and covered the coffee table – voila! i am turning on more lights than usual. we have dance breaks often. not only does this lift your home’s chi, it gives you a natural high, too!

this final one is last for a reason. de-clutter. a lot of people are going to start feeling claustrophobic being stuck at home. and clearing space is a simple way to open up room around you. HOWEVER, promise me this: you won’t do any major purges until you are out of your fear. here’s what happens when we clear from fear: we are not in our most empowered identity or self, so we make decisions from a compromised place. THAT is what leads to regret. this is also why when we go shopping because we’re sad or mad or disappointed, we buy things that we often don’t end up wearing. there is a disconnect between who we are at our best – and who we are when we’re reacting emotionally. if you want to clear clutter, start with the easy YESes. the little steps WILL IMPROVE YOUR CLARITY and it will clear fear, too. but little steps first, okay?

next week, i’ll be broadcasting another LIVE session on Facebook and Instagram at 11 am (CST / Dallas), so please join us for another dose of weekly shui and a quick Q & A session.

until then, know this: i LOVE you, your house loves you, and we are going to get through this together! xo