why green chi matters in a COVID world!

on any given day, i adore fresh greenery and plants of all types and sizes. right now, green chi is even more important to have around us. (don’t have a green thumb? find a photo in a book or print some gorgeous landscape off the ‘net — it works almost as well!)

so, why do we need our greens now more than ever?

living things, like healthy plants and flowers, lift energy. so, say the news or the week pulls you down. plants will run interference so that *low vibe* is only a temporary experience. plants *hold* energy around you to high standards. and as long as you take care of them, they happily do their part to keep the energy in your home nourishing you.

plants literally clean the air. just make sure you dust those leaves occasionally, and those cleansing breaths won’t disappoint!

plants reduce concentration-induced fatigue (something we’re all feeling from the COVID news loop). they lower blood pressure. and they’re good for the heart. tell me, who doesn’t want to feel a little lighter right now?

plants boost feelings of positivity. and according to moi, every handout of positivity is worth grabbing!

finally, plants and flowers represent the element Wood, and Wood breaks through Earth. why does this matter? well, when we feel stuck… or we’re struggling to get motivated… or we feel resistance when starting anything new… it suggests that either our homes or our lifestyles have become a little too Earthy. now, given the unprecedented circumstances, this Earthy overdose totally makes sense. we’ve had to hunker down and settle into a *new normal* filled with binge-watching, staying inside 24/7, and cocooning ourselves from this virus. everyone, though, will have a different point where they’re ready to break out of the monotony and try something new in their day or week. maybe you’re finally going to start the day with meditation. or perhaps you’ve decided to set aside a dedicated hour to work on a project you never had time for previously. whatever it is and whenever that is YOU, Wood — plants and flowers — will break and bust through the heavy energy and help you reach your something new. xo