Elements of Style

Anytime I approach a project, I have my "kit" of tools ready. Whether I am organizing or feng shui-ing or designing, I rely on these basics to make the planning + possibilities flourish:

AP tool kit (3)


Now, before you mutter the words But I'm not creative…I wouldn't even know where to begin, let me say this: I never thought I was the "type" either. It started simply by cutting + pasting images FROM MAGAZINES into a binder. {See scissors, glue stick, and binder above.} And then, quite effortlessly and surprisingly, ideas percolated. I began taking notes in the margins. {Hence, a few colorful Sharpies.} Once ideas were brewing, I sketched out rooms, playing with different arrangements on paper. {Nothing a pencil + eraser can't handle.} As I felt more confident about my dreamscaping, I would measure the spaces, jot said measurements down, and head off into the wild yonder searching for what I had envisioned. {A small + large measuring tape = very handy.}

The only missing tool above is my CAMERA. You absolutely need one for these endeavors. And with the latest Polaroids out, well, design just got a whole lot easier. Once you have some instincts on what you like, a picture of your space set amongst your "ideas" collage ignites the entire process fabulously.

This is the most basic + simple + user friendly on-ramp I know to creating space you LOVE. Capturing your ideas in one notebook feeds creative brainstorming. And when you reflect upon pages of what you LOVE, happiness washes over you. Remember, this notebook doesn't have to be for a HOUSE or PROJECT; rather, let it be a collection of what you enjoy most: fashion, clips of quotes or good writing, exercise + health tips, even images that simply make your soul swoon. "The more you bring your attention, or conscious awareness, to something you intend to manifest, the more likely that intention will become real in the world." {Candace Pert} Assemble your tools, keep them accessible, and let the creative frenzy take over for an afternoon. Fill yourself with some good ideas, especially while you are on the brink of a magical new year!