simple shui | 5,000 years

there i was. standing among a group of parents. small talking.

the conversation heaved my way.

“what kind of work do you do?”

this question usually starts a somersault sensation in my body.

maybe it’s me. maybe it’s past experiences. but if the person asking the question has never heard of feng shui before, things are going to get weird.

this was no exception. the awkward pause happened. and i tried expanding my explanation. you know, give more of myself to make up the distance between us.

as the conversation ended, a comment was made about my career choice being “off the beaten path.”

and for a minute, i agreed. totally. i mean, how often do you meet someone who says she is a feng shui consultant, right?



it has been a while since that conversation, and i still carry it with me.

because. . .

feng shui has been around for 5,000-ish years.




and to me, those millenniums mean if we don’t even make room for its consideration, we are the ones off the beaten path.

truth is, everyone does feng shui whether they realize it or not.

because if you have a space arranged with furniture/things/stuff, guess what? shui is happening right in front of you.

i’ve been letting that thought infuse me lately because i know it is time to declare its significance in a different way.

i often abstain from making it seem utterly necessary to consider your space as sacred. i lean into the approach of your space, your life.

but when it comes down to what really matters, my cells are in unison when i say it deserves to be high on our list. right up there with our health + finances + careers + family.


feng shui is a design plan that considers everyone in your space. it’s where home improvement meets self improvement. and at its very golden center, feng shui is about love.

and to me, love always matters.