simple shui | feng shui for the new year

i love toasting to a bubbly new year. the yin of winter whispers into the vast dark, while the yang of our spirit – those frisky resolutions and gutsy ideas – dances her heart out. with a little feng shui mixed in for good measure, i know plenty of full-bodied moments are in my forecast.

feng shui teaches us everything is energy, everything is alive, and everything is connected. when a home matches our minty fresh goals, good energy becomes the status quo.

so, it’s with eyes wide open that i look around and take soulful inventory of my space every january. part of this familiar romp is exploring if our house is inspiring a life buzz. constant change means there is usually stuff to be sloughed off to make room for my something new. a better feeling. this delicious experience. that unexpected opportunity.

here’s the whoa: every time i clear clutter, it turns the volume up on life. guaranteed. it’s like personal magic when i am ready to spark things up. and simplifying our surroundings is the most economical way to get started

{read the rest here!}

