my shui rituals for a full moon

let me start by saying…

I am not overly devoted to the moon cycles. more specifically, I am not the one writing down intentions every new moon or charging my crystals under every full moon.

instead, I think of these moon phases as ritual maintenance reminders and pair pretty practical rituals with the NEW or FULL moon.for me, it’s a reliable and sustainable schedule to ensure a few things around the home are taken care of monthly.

so, here are the basics I tend to come back to during a full moon:

no. 1: for any shui ritual to work effectively, we must work in tandem with our own energy to assure best success, so a full moon is a reminder for me to step back into my gratitude; capture or pay attention to my dreams journal; and revisit my intentions.

no. 2: I actually love pairing wealth rituals with the full moon, and in particular, I’ll revisit any of the rituals or remedies I have in rotation. for instance, I might stoke the burners on my stove for 27 days, starting on the full moon.

no. 3: I love to clean out my wallet and edit accordingly. less debt? time to remove the credit cards. finances in disarray or dipping? I clear out receipts. want to feel like I am in a good financial flow? I re-organize my wallet.

and if the moon is exceptionally bright, I have been known to walk outside and open my wallet or purse and let the moonlight bathe it!

no. 4: when things have been *giving me a run* and I need reprieve, I request help letting something go, like releasing a project, a habit, or even a desire that no longer serves me.

no. 5: if there is something I want to conjure – say, a collaboration, an opportunity, the chance to merge energy – this is when I *send* that *request* energy out into the world.

no. 6: I always feel this is a good time to lean into intuition – trusting and recognizing the wisdom within – so I will often journal through a stream of consciousness.

I also check these off the list quickly:

no. 7: I appreciate the resuscitation that comes from doing a quick de-cluttering around our house, so the moon reminds me to audit anything that might be sabotaging any of life’s refreshments (hope, possibility, invitation for change) trying to come our way. 

no. 8: this doesn’t happen often here, but if shoes have piled up by the back door, they’re all returned to their original homes. shoes lined up by a door can absorb the energy associated with that area of the house, keeping those opportunities from reaching us as robustly as they could. for instance, if shows pile up in Helpful People, I might notice my timing seems perpetually off.

no. 9: we deep clean our refrigerator and put out a bowl of fresh fruit. both of these really reinforce the idea of healthy well-being; hence, the cleansing first and fresh infusion afterwards.

no. 10: finally, and I LOVE this for either moon phase, I sprinkle a pinch of sea salt along our front door threshold. salt acts as a “filter”, snagging any unwanted energy before it walks in the door. it also has a way of calling abundance our way! xo