simple shui | have you heard?

hello, lover birds!

despite every single intention to take it easy in July, this month has been all hustle.

and i feel it.

there are so many places i’ve been, i want to share a few spaces getting RAVE reviews!

here’s where you can scoop the goods:

my BFF flew out here in June to save me from myself while the lovelies were in Europe. we call our rendezvous FINCHELLA, and it is better than all the -ELLAs out there! this one was no exception. one minute, we were having breakfast and then suddenly, we were sitting in front of her computer with my mic talking clutter for her podcast SHOW UP AND LOVE. it was SO good. everybody keeps talking about it! and it’s 2 full episodes – listen here and here!


also, at summer’s start, i had the best conversation with Caitlin on her podcast – Rebirth of Venus. she pitched me ALLL the tough questions, like “am i shui-screwed?”, “what if my live-in partner is less shui-concerned than i am?”, and “but really, is there a quick fix to get money, like, today?” bottom line: our convo is totally worth a listen!

aaaand in the mix of those convos, i decided to stop waiting for the right everything and just start an IGTV channel! if you haven’t watched those 10-minute shui scoops, you’re in for a TREAT! stop by + say HI!

