taking care of your home isn’t seasonal…

taking care of your home isn’t seasonal…

and it’s not really a TO DO list either.

it’s also a project you’re never done with…

and it’s an energy that gives back ten-fold what you put into it.

here’s why…

first of all, your home is a family member. so instead of assuming it is there just for you, realize YOU ARE PART OF ITS LIFE, too. chances are our homes will outlive us, so make the time you spend in yours count. whenever we love our homes, that energy is reciprocated back in truly transformational ways. which means that like any relationship, your home requires consistent attention from you.

two, i am a BIG believer in leaving a place better than you found it, so every time you dote on it, two things happen: you fill those walls of yours with the kind if chi that will take care of the next owner / tenant / family; and your attention ripples out beyond your own four walls. talk about a high-level way to put LOVE in the air!

three, the physical and visual aren’t the only ways to make your home embody LOVE – they’re just the most obvious (and most seasonally marketed). there’s real power in learning the fluency of your home’s energy grid; aligning your décor in spaces that will trigger welcome surprises (on your behalf!); and understanding the importance of space clearing regularly. (those edits and improvements actually feel better, too!)

four, it’s a good idea to ask yourself at least once a year, “what are the things in my home that matter?” because everything around you is always speaking, whether you “hear” it or not. and while some things will forever retain their “IT” factor, some of your things will lose their magic. so, what have you outgrown? what no longer aligns with your journey today. where are ready to open up more?

once you learn a little energetic discernment, these conversations become sixth sense. you recognize and honor that, like you, your house is always changing, too.

if you’re ready to start this conversation with your home, a 1:1 might be for you. i’ll teach you everything you need to know so you’re comfortably fluent in all the ways your home likes to be loved! xo