the lovelies | science camp

i survived camp. phew. i mean. . .PHEW!

seriously, it is time for me to own this opinion — without hesitation or grief — that camping just isn’t my thing. i mean, after being me for almost four decades, i ought to know a few things about myself, right?

i love nature. and i enjoy being out in its freshness. i just don’t appreciate the intimacy of sleeping in it or spending days surrounded by its critters. one long day is good enough for me.


that being said, if you volunteer to schlep off to an outdoor camp for 3 whole days with an entire 5th grade class, it’s time to dig deep and find the little things that make you feel hopeful and bright. . .

so, here are a few reflections from my recent rendezvous with mother nature.

when you head off into the woods with 100-ish 10 and 11-year olds, bring ear plugs. they are more a necessity than a luxury.




a few days in the wilderness create camaraderie. and conversations with my fellow chaperones were easily the best part of those long days and late nights.

even in the middle of nowhere, i can learn new words, like rhodopsin and ort.

and did you know a 9-volt battery + steel wool make fire? wow!

i especially love the smell of coffee when i am out in the early morning october air. and the aura of a campfire is my favorite way to end an evening.

nicknames are a really good idea. and so much better when shared with your bunk mates.



watching kids push past personal limitations is an elevating experience.


maybe it was the wide open space + all the fresh air, but i experienced fits of laughter usually at all the wrong times. and sometimes it became contagious. which was absolutely another highlight for me.

and while camping will never be my slice of zen, i always come out of these experiences with the same thought. when i am willing to push beyond my comfort zone, it widens my sense of adventure for everything else.

