the potential here is unlimited…

when your home mirrors the vision you have for your life, transformation absolutely happens. the internal is always informing the external, so you cannot change your home without it rippling into your life.

and that’s a power you can work with deliberately.

in Feng Shui, we have a toolbox of remedies and resources with an assortment of flavors to add into the mix when we want (or need) to trigger change. and one of those “tools” is the Feng Shui map, known as the bagua. your home – right now – is already organized into a tidy tic-tac-toe board of 9 equal squares, and each one of those squares has a signature energy with some pretty impressive magnitude! 

(if this is all brand new to you, start herehere, and here.)

while we typically see this map as an invitation to “luck up” certain areas of our lives, there is equal opportunity to use this blueprint in persuading changes that don’t feel as easily tangible or immediate.

here’s what i mean…

do you “should” all over yourself or find “i can’t” is overly used in your conversations? bring your awareness to the Skills / Knowledge / Self-Cultivation gua. look for anything unfinished or a project that wasn’t totally successful – remove it from this space. 

if you don’t feel equipped with the right strength for a challenge you’re currently facing, take your attention to the Family / New Beginnings gua. give this space a good zhuzh, and remove anything “weak” or broken in here. 

if you feel like money leaves your hands before you get your fingers around it, check out the Wealth area. improve your finances by placing a few gold coins in the soil here either outside or in an inside plant.

want to be known as someone with money? that’s a job for Fame / Reputation – always keep a little cold hard cash in here.

are you feeling tossed about in your relationship(s)? introduce something heavy (in weight) to the Love / Relationship gua to serve as an anchor until things settle.

when you need to pull your energy into focus – to complete a project, stay with a goal, see something through – the Children / Creativity area is where we encourage that commitment. add something white – this color promotes physical energy and encourages BIG achievement through our efforts.

would you like to normalize synchronicities and miracles? Helpful People / Travel is a good space to start welcoming that experience, so give this one a good edit (if you haven’t in a while). organize it so it provides “room” for the people who can make life easier for you! 

when doubt looms about what you think is possible to accomplish in the world, go to Career / Life Journey. place a photo of you in a metal frame, and behind your photo, add anything that represents your desired outcome so the two of you can schmooze!

and in the center of it all is your Health hub – use this space to “plant” a reminder or build a theme around the transformation you desire. altars are great here for this reason!

whoa! wow! and woo hoo! am i right? 

THIS is why really digging into Feng Shui makes all the difference. there is so much wisdom right within your reach to influence whatever change in weather you’re wanting – and much easier with a little more fluency! xo

photo | urban stems