simple shui | a simple shui road tour!

every move we make in our surroundings is a contribution to our emotional wholeness. and when we get our homes in order, we stop tolerating and accommodating what doesn’t work for us. this simple change accelerates our own growth. and with growth, we trigger new opportunities worth grabbing. those opportunities make us feel rich with energy and hope – the kind of abundance that truly pays itself forward.

simple shui – the work i do – is how we clear the surface so we can get to the soul of living.

listen, love and fear live so closely to each other – they are always overlapping in the shui questions i hear. so, we owe it to ourselves and communities to sift through the noise and discord around us. clarity sparks empowerment, and empowerment nurtures itself well.


and in that spirit, i am trying something different to light a few torches myself.

because i believe a home is both shield and sanctuary, i am taking simple shui on the road in 2017. i am committing to a 5-city tour, organizing meet-ups in your homes + teaching a little shui. i want to get hands-on and help you fall into an actual conversation with your home. show you how simple it is to curate potential and possibility when you prune your space. teach you how to draw strength from your nook. and help you discover how to transform struggles into success.

if you think your tribe, your crew, your spice girls might be up for a good gab while we plot + brew some shui thunder, email me.

when we empower our surroundings, we simultaneously empower ourselves. and i’m here to help make that true for you!

