a thousand thanks | 30 things

inspired by the 30-day gratitude challenge happening on social media, i thought my monday morning might be best used compiling a list of 30 lovemarks in my own world.

so. . .

i am grateful for my family and the lucky-in-love feeling i dwell in. nothing pleases me quite as much as seeing their happy faces.

Amanda 2012N

i am grateful for the coaching course i am taking. and the indomitable women i am in the presence of every week. i am blessed + lucky.

i am grateful for flickering candles + burning fireplaces + warming campfires.

i am grateful for how the moon always looks so perfectly placed in the night sky.


i am grateful for those rare moments where life. feels. perfect.


i am grateful for gut decisions.

i am grateful for apologies.

i am grateful for artists + photographers + writers.

i am grateful for metaphor.

i am grateful for the bird bath outside my window where i watch birds splash about.


i am grateful for long runs, especially in the juxtaposition of an autumn sun and biting breeze.

i am grateful when i make things with my hands.

i am grateful for goals. because they often become my sherpa, guiding me whenever i feel unsure of what i want.

i am grateful for yoga and how wrung out i am after class.

i am grateful for good reads. and oh-so many choices.

i am grateful for poetry. and right now, the words of mary oliver and derek walcott.

i am grateful for the mysterious. because the older i get, the more i believe in what i can’t explain.

i am grateful for ideas. that creative buzz. and watching how the lovelies use it full throttle.

i am grateful for family game nights.


i am grateful for this little mouse and his mighty spirit. {watch the clip — he embodies in 2 minutes what consumes hundreds of pages in self-help/business/motivation books.}

i am grateful for inspiration, especially when it feels like we are dance partners.

i am grateful for afternoon snacks.


i am grateful for details.

i am grateful for the excitement that burst out of the lovelies like silly string when we spotted one of our words at anthropologie.


i am grateful for shoes i love.


i am grateful for essential oils + how much i believe in them.

i am grateful for my parents’ 40th anniversary this weekend. wow.za.

i am grateful i heard diana nyad say vision is having a very strong relationship with your goal. i love that. so much.

i am grateful for magazines like darling, kinfolk, and anthology. makes me want to write something they would publish.


and i am grateful for this belief in my belly i am always headed somewhere good.
