a thousand thanks.

i had an inspired idea last year.

and then promptly snarled myself into a debate of whether it was overly gratuitous. as in, is this too heavy on the how swell my life is chatter?

so, i compromised. i kept daily lists privately. and made a few blog posts along the way.

if you cultivate a list every day of 9 things you are thankful for, you'll end up with 3,285 little notes of gratitude. which makes a thousand thanks a rather modest goal.

but is it blog worthy?

well. here is my answer.

having my nose in books for years now studying different theories on a well-spent life, i know one thing is certain:

gratitude is a cornerstone.

personally, i feel its levity most on my absolute worst days.

because even then, i celebrate the good and float above the low notes playing. 

which is why i've decided a thousand thanks is worth chronicling.

so, i hope to make this a weekly post, and i hope a few are inspiring enough to arouse joy in everything swell going on over in your nook. because there is always something good, kind, and worthy of a handful of glitter!

let's begin.

i am grateful for. . .

a new year. beginnings always feel plush. potent. possible.

pomegranates and the patience to pluck them clean.


fascinating documentaries, especially his story and her story.

the return of daily rituals that slipped off the to-do list: writing, running, and meditating.

an approaching birthday. and another year for magical thinking and making.

a stack of books to read. this and this and this are at the top.

this site is a daily thrill as a good deal enormously delights me!

hot water + a squeeze of lemon + freshly grated ginger — a healthy digestif for sure!

the halfway point in my feng shui course! {much more discussion on this to follow…}

twinkling lights. oh, how i hate to see them go. . .


the recycling of stuff we no longer use out of our home and into the hands of those who will.

goals. when i don't know what to do next and doing nothing isn't an option, my goals give me choices. and direction.

the zest of my lovelies' laughter. this sound instantly enhances every molecule of our space.

french bingo.


the simple meditation i feel when caring for our home. it warrants an eye roll, i know. but for me, it is how i honor the ritual of daily life.

and random acts of kindness.


inspired prompt | what are you most grateful for today?