a thousand thanks.

a good idea likes to present itself three times.

or maybe i just need that much persuasion.

first. a recent conversation i had with my health + wellness guru:

i'm sensing spiritual growth is what you need…

{surprised pause.} really?

gratitude and praise. your body needs more of both.

but i keep a journal with what i am grateful for and i…

this is more like you need to be heard rejoicing.

ummm…like on a mountaintop?

well, however you see fit. just find ways. you will re-e-e-a-a-l-ly benefit from it.



second. i am watching him, trying to understand the surrounding phenomenon. he leads the crowd through a hands-over-heart exercise. asking the masses to think of a moment they felt grateful their hearts had guided them through. the point? when we experience gratitude, we cannot simultaneously feel anger or fear.

and then he said,

when you stack gratitude, you change your biochemistry.

okay, mr. robbins. you have my attention.


third. i walk into my office this morning. on the corner of my desk are cards i impulsively purchased around the new year. but somehow today, as they sat in naked delight with the sun barely up, i had a wallop of an idea.

a thousand thanks.

ShakeItPhoto Photo(7)

it seems ridiculously profuse. lofty. unrestrained. and boldly effusive.


i will post a thousand moments of personal gratitude here during twenty-twelve. which means, with the few weeks that somehow slipped through our collective fingers, i must find 22 moments every week progressing forward.

to make the most of my robust inspiration, i concocted a few rules.

moments must be original :: no 2 moments in a life are ever the same. so, i can't be grateful for my health every day. i can, however, appreciate the way my lungs swallow deep breaths. or how my eyes barely caught a shooting star. or the smell of a summer breeze coming in through an open car window.

moments must be personal :: how this experience is part of my story. who am i in this moment? where am i? what am i thinking? how am i doing?

the moments must be specific :: exactly what made me swell with gratitude. i'm not composing pages of prose here. i simply want the significance of a given moment recognized. appreciated. and stacked.

finally :: a thousand thanks begins with always looking for moments of graciousness, gratefulness, and good. around the corner, upon a kind note, in the eyes of friend. 

e v e r y w h e r e .

want to be heard rejoicing from your rooftop?  join me.  i welcome your moments of thanks here below. over on facebook. or my inbox.

let the rejoicing begin…
