a thousand thanks | full circle

success leaves clues.

and so does its possibility.

while october was parading her color last year, i set a goal to become shui certified.

when november blew in, i received an unexpected invitation to participate in a shui certification program.

as december’s chill settled upon us, my course work was in full motion.

winter became spring, and the coursework concluded.

and while everything bloomed, i dedicated myself to the last step — a hefty final project required for graduation.

when we respond to inspiration, we become fuller versions of ourselves. it’s when we stop and wonder what people might think that inspiration withers. and our doubts inevitably block all that perfect power willing to help us along the way.

dreams, hunches, and coincidences are our clues.

when the email invitation to participate in a shui course arrived so quickly after i had set that goal, i gasped with wonder. it was a wink.

and when the money necessary for this investment appeared unexpectedly, it was another nod from the universe. acknowledging i was on the right path.

when we own our dreams, we align with our unique purpose. and that’s when things get easier.

easier does not mean easy. it is the distinction between doing the work that shows up rather than exhaustively chasing something you think might make you happy. see the difference?

clues show up in ways we recognize them. it’s the right people, the perfect timing, the woo-woo kismet. and none of it feels forced. rather, it is as if the whole universe conspires gloriously on our behalf.


our life callings are calling to us. we don’t need to find them; we just need to watch for clues. trust the hunch. and follow that inkling of inspiration.

a week ago, i graduated. and the joy i feel is simply too big for words.
