Clear the Clutter

It all began with a simple tip my dad gave me when I was 9 or 10…"Pick up a little at the end of each day, and you will save yourself an entire day cleaning your room." Little did he or I know that this would be taken to heart so firmly. And to this day (many can attest to my OCD qualities), I cannot lie down at night until everything is in its place. I like to think of it as my personal sign-off for the day.

Clutter is essentially stuff without a place or home. As it accumulates, it begins robbing our physical and mental space of energy and focus. Here is an easy analogy: You are running late and needed to be out the door 15 minutes ago. You cannot find your keys. The more you look, the more overwhelmed you become. It feels as if you have slipped into pandemonium. You know the traffic is getting worse by the minute, you don't want to come up with yet another excuse why you are late, and your mood has now shifted to frustration. What if your keys had a set "home" they went to every single day?

Take this a step further. Think about everything in your home, office, car…wherever you may be… having its own space. By knowing where things are, you immediately feel more confident and motivated. Trust me, being organized lightens moods.


Don't know where to start? Try incorporating a few of these tips into your daily routine and watch the momentum build.

(1) Start small. Take a drawer or shelf and organize it. When you are done, stop. Enjoy the satisfaction of accomplishing the task. As your momentum grows, you will tackle larger projects with energy and confidence.

(2) De-clutter what is visible. If you can see it, know that it affects you and anyone else in the environment. Look in your living room, the garage, or your kitchen pantry. Find the areas you come to every single day, and begin establishing a space for anything you intend keeping. When you take something out, return it to the SAME spot.

(3) Rid your home of any trash piles you make in the process immediately. By removing unnecessary clutter quickly, you will feel uplifted almost instantly.

With the focus being less on consumption and more on simplifying, now is the time to set new standards for yourself and your space.