how to use metaphor for manifestation!

is this the year you finally want to get organized? shui can help with a quick trick for incorporating its fertilizer into your intention: use environmental metaphor.

ask yourself what your space is saying literally – and you’ll probably notice correlations in your life. here are a few quick ways to get started with this:

have stuff in every corner of a room? do you feel like nothing new ever happens for you? clutter sends two signals to the Universe: one, you can’t handle more. and two, you don’t have anywhere to receive its guests (luck and abundance) of honor. think of a change you’d like to manifest in your life, give your space room to breathe, and watch those opportunities organize right before your eyes!

enter any room of your house and notice where your eye (attention) is drawn. if you look everywhere, you might initially be intrigued. after a while, though, your curiosity can morph into low-level overwhelm. too much “stuff” in one space causes brain fatigue. how? the effort required to “process” all the information is exhausting. and when you’re mentally fatigued, it’s difficult to make a clear decision.

begin by deciding each room’s purpose. once that decision is made, let its superstar shine. for instance, in your bedroom, the bed is its main attraction. if the dresser or bedside tables are cluttered, clear them off. if this space is where the day’s loose ends land (laundry baskets, work), move them out. your task is to tell the eye where to look. when you do, it will deliver all the AAAAAHs!

are you overwhelmed by decisions – big or small? shui says: minimize distractions. i do this by making an irrefutable first impression with one focal point in every room. something that refuses to be missed upon entering. my go-to’s are typically bright colors, larger-than-life decor, or something really beautiful. these visual pros know how to grab the eye and woo away! once our eyes are anchored to this one thing, they can then consume everything else happening in the room without visual indigestion (aka: overwhelm). and less overwhelm equals calm, clear clarity. xo