inspired by | a fascinating life


the very utterance of this rearranges me.

even though i’d prefer to think of the years gone by as well balanced living, the truth is i have been in hustle mode. trying to get my blog, my shui, myself out there in the world. and my hustle often feels and looks like busy. all the time. and busy hijacks my happiness more than i am comfortable admitting.

so lately, i’ve been having this hard core conversation with myself around what all the hustle is really about . . .

and the white hot center truth is i think if i hustle enough, the success/recognition/money/work will happen AND satiate me into finally living big. you know, that gossamer moment where you finally start doing what you really want to do.

which, for me, would be dancing under the disco ball, following the call of wild curiosity, exploring museums + sharing the world with m’clique, dipping my toes into unfamiliar experiences, and living mostly from inspiration rather than obligation. . .

because isn’t this the whole point?

to do what we really want with our wild selves?

i had some enormously hot goals coming into 2013. and i am silly happy to say i made mighty progress this year.

at the beginning of 2013, i couldn’t say. . .

i practice bikram yoga a couple times a week.

i am feng shui certified.

i am working with a life/business coach who walks her talk.

i traveled to and fell in love with london.

i read more books than the previous year.

i had 3 clients {which was my goal). and then, some more showed up. and every experience was really beautiful and just perfect.

i invested in a new blog design + logo.

my man and i went on lots of dates.

and i found several ways to cut sugar out of my diet.

i loved this year. i loved my goals. and i loved how every single one showed up in my life organically. effortlessly. almost like magic. and every time one knocked, i was flamboyantly grateful and eager to do its work.

this coming year, however, feels so very different to me.

my word last year was meaningful. this year, the word bubbling inside is savor. which seems an invitation to stretch away from all the busy work as my path to having a big life. and spend more time on being happy. sounds counter-intuitive, right?

but, i get hunches from time to time, and i trust those gut impulses more than anything else. and my very core is telling me this year is about living more, hustling less. living as if i already have the work/success/dream opportunity/money or whatever it is i normally put fun on hold for.

in 2014, you will find me drinking in the days and months with serious moxie. and following those things that will make my story way more interesting. and hopefully filling it with art, music, intrigue and romance.

i don’t know what kind of year lies ahead of you, but it never hurts to ask what would make you fall in love with your life. and see what shows up. because that’s the best place to be ushering in a new year and new you.
