Please Pass the Salt…

Many, many years ago, I wandered into a local health goods store. My mission: To find relief for my itchy, rashy skin. Their answer: Salt baths. Okay. I tried, I liked, and I am still taking salt baths today. Fast forward a couple years, and I am having a massage. Question: What can I do to help loosen my tight muscles? Her answer: If you can't have a massage once a week, soak in a salt bath. Okay. I did, it helped, and I still soak my aches away in salt water today. Fast forward a few more years, and I am reading about feng shui — specifically, how to remove some funky energy in our new house. And wouldn't you know it…salt was the answer. Okay. I read, I followed the directions, and I now use salt regularly when cleaning my home.


Salt, my dear friends, is a true panacea. It is used around the world in various cultures as a purifying agent. If you are not already buying salt in bulk, may I encourage you to begin today? When you soak in a bath full of sea or Epsom salt, you are not only giving yourself the gift of personal time, you are also accomplishing the following:             

  • Relaxing your muscles.
  • Drawing out any toxins in your body.
  • Calming your nervous system (thanks to the magnesium sulfate found in salt).
  • Reducing any swelling.
  • Exfoliating your skin and leaving it very emollient. (Add a few drops of pure essential oil, and you have a home spa treatment!)

In our homes, sprinkling sea salt across the thresholds (where one room ends and the other begins) renews the space by absorbing stagnant energy in the air. If there has been a particularly bad experience in your home, like a fight or illness (or worse), sprinkle salt everywhere. In both instances, leave it for 24 hours. Vacuum it up the next day, and any negative, stale, or residual energy lingering will be gone.

How simple is that?