Q & A: are fake plants “bad” Feng Shui?

a Q i get often is “are fake plants bad Feng Shui?” first things first — let’s dismiss the notion of bad energy. what we are really chasing is fresh, cheery energy. so, when it comes to fake plants, it’s more like a sliding scale of chi (energy).

living greens and fresh flowers have the most powerful chi because of their ability to grow and improve air quality. (and in an office, they reduce fatigue!) so, real plants and flowers will always outperform your other choices.

however. if you can’t keep a plant alive or the space you want to place one doesn’t receive adequate sunlight, it is not to your energetic benefit to buy one. i recommend instead finding the most “live” looking plant available. with fake plants, dusting them regularly prolongs their beauty. and if you love a plant every time you see it, that beauty generates YOUR personal energy which is a good vibe multiplier! just remember, faux does not mean forever. a fake plant, too, has its own life cycle so when it no longer looks vibrant, replace it.

the only NO i would prescribe regards dried flowers and arrangements. since they are dead, they give off zero nourishing energy. that said, i recognize some people prefer them. so, in these situations, i suggest treating them like fresh flowers. let them emanate charm and beauty for a short time, but i would not advise keeping them for years. xo