Q & A: how do you get a smudge stick to stay lit?

during a recent convo with Kristina Hollinger, she shared a *problem* i hear often around burning smudge sticks: getting the stick to stay lit!

so, how about a few tips and tricks i’ve learned for making the most of your purifying and cleansing rituals?

get loose. after years of re-lighting bundles myself, i discovered loose leaf medicine (sage, lavender, thyme, rosemary) makes for a steady, lovely smolder. plus, it is economical. use what you need with little to no waste! and when you order loose (check out etsy!) you have the opportunity to…

mix in other amazing herbs and remedies to concoct a signature blend. i LOVE adding rose petals to almost all of mine as it amplifies the LOVE. a pinch of clove or ginger or cinnamon pairs well with money intentions. lavender soothes a space by diffusing discord, within ourselves or the family. and rosemary maximizes our mental magic — hello, clarity and confidence!

clear the clutter before you *clear the clutter.* this works two ways: (1) if you space clear without cleaning up first, the daily debris and any heavy clutter in your surroundings can hold onto energetic patterns you’re trying to move along. so, if you find yourself clearing the negativity around you only to have it seeping back into your life, consider any clutter you can release. or (2) if you do a deep purge and don’t space clear soon after, the energetic clutter hangs around. and it’s not uncommon to re-accumulate physical clutter under its influence. if you’ve noticed that pattern, light some incense post-purge next time!

make two laps, at least. it’s not enough — when invoking change — to get a good smolder on and be done. so, walk your entire home and cleanse the space. and then, walk your home again and claim the space with your new intentions!

(and for those of you with bundles to burn, the trick i shared with Kristina is to break the stick open so enough oxygen circulates your flame. once you have a good smolder, blow out the flame and you should stay smoky!) xo