simple shui | are you missing out?

i found feng shui because of a pain point – money. and in the mindset of someone new to shui, i decided back then our WEALTH area needed shui the most, so i dedicated most of my resource (time, focus, money) exclusively to this room (our kitchen). it delivered results – more money came in. however, it didn’t resolve the issue of money going right back out. it was only after i took my shui studies into the classroom that i learned the FAMILY / ANCESTORS / NEW BEGINNINGS (F/A/NB) area holds the most potential for present day transformation.

our home’s F/A/NB area was designed to be the dining room. however, even after purchasing an expensive dining suite for it, we never used it. the room looked good but didn’t feel great when we were in there. we sold the furniture a few years later and brought in a couch and a few chairs instead. again, the room looked fabulous but we felt disconnected from the house whenever we forced ourselves to use it. it turned into our dog’s perch for looking out the window at squirrels. a few years ago, i decided i would give it one last hearty attempt. around the same time, i noticed we were eating dinner later and later. our girls would come home from school, spill their homework out on the kitchen table, and we wouldn’t eat until they had wrapped their studies. hmmm…what if i used the so-called dining room for an additional work/homework space? out went the living room vibe, and in came a round table, 4 chairs, and rug. and wouldn’t you know it – magic. we tumbled into the house after school and convened round table to catch up on the day, finish homework, and wrap up any work loose ends. the room finally had a meaningful role in our lives, and that made ALL the difference.



we often style a room according to what the builder intended or what trends currently dictate, but the best shui in any given room is one that you use! when we don’t use a space in our home, two things happen: (1) it disrupts all the good shui we’ve cultivated everywhere else; and (2) we miss out on its specific energy contribution in our lives. so, if you have a less-than-loved space or room, think outside your previous considerations for it. our homes are meant to be maps of who we are. where we are. and what we love. don’t shy away from experimenting with the space and trying ideas that appeal to YOU. once you start, fresh air will infuse into all its corners, amplifying all the shui  you’ve already done in your space! xo