simple shui | can you guarantee feng shui works?

the Q: “can you guarantee feng shui works?”


my A: yes yes YES, and it likely won’t be the way you expect or want it to work. it probably won’t cater to your timeline. and it might hold you accountable for a few things so you are really capable of receiving its delivery.


so, here’s what you need to ask yourself first: have you ever reached a point that your determination was SO lucid and clear, there was zero room left for doubt or failure?


i find we are usually capable of this when something BIG is on the line.


for me, the one brush with this that stands out most was when my daughter – then 3 years old – was suffering from another round of pneumonia. during this particular bout, we had gone to “the” doctor who could magically cure kids – part of his method was prescribing more meds than i’d ever been given. hesitant but desperate, i followed his protocol. overnight our daughter had such a severe reaction, the ER physician diagnosed her with the mumps and was ready to quarantine her until (luckily!) a visiting doctor intervened and said this was a rare but severe allergic reaction to some combination of the drugs she was on.


i lost my mind. and i knew in that moment, something snapped.


i came home and literally screamed with all my might in the middle of my living room – i was done handing my power (money, faith, time, and the health of my child!) over to people who had such little regard for the outcome. and i promised myself i would figure this out.


and you know what? i did.


was the process perfect? not even close.


did i have to work hard, researching alternative approaches to getting her back to health? yes, and it was an everyday endeavor.


was i unsure of myself? absolutely.


but one thing never wavered – i refused to cave to the chaos that panic often causes.


i stayed deliberate with my determination and within the year, she remained pneumonia free for the longest she ever had been since birth.


there were eventual setbacks here and there, but nothing rivaling what we had experienced before i “snapped.”


so, back to the million dollar question: does shui work? YES, and it will sometimes require being that determined. the doubts and waffling and WHAT IFS cannot be given any oxygen. and if your tendency is to suffocate the outcome with your control and questions and criticisms (this isn’t working the way i want it to…), it simply won’t flourish to its full potential. but if you trust it, you trust yourself. and when you get there, the world is absolutely all yours! xo