simple shui | how to create positive change with feng shui

whether it’s date night out or a dream job interview, we dress up to create an undeniable presence. and it’s a ritual that works! beauty transforms – it raises our spirits and makes us feel good. primp our living space, and we feel the same pull toward possibility. feng shui is the art of arranging our surroundings to welcome positive energy. every expression of beauty not only reinforces our well-being, it organizes the energy around us so favorably, we often manifest our positive thoughts into form. so, if you want to translate your visions into actual change this spring, here are a few simple shui starting points to guide you there:

punctuate with black and white. this classic duo nods to equality and balance. and since these colors never go out of style, they are easy to choreograph into any room. consider typography prints, photography, textiles, or statement-making accents. black and white – like the yin/yang symbol – attract each other, so these hues know how to keep our energy moving forward. and in a forecast that calls for change, it’s a good way to stay in the flow!

commune with Mother Nature. mother nature hypnotizes our senses, working her magic by raising our vibration and vitality in a blink. step outside, and feel the quiet fullness of the sun. notice the wind howling through bare trees. feel irrefutable support beneath your feet. stare into a twinkling night sky. and then find ways to bring that essence inside. create your own sunshine by allowing natural light in often. buy a few plants to grow fresh air and breathe easier. open the windows and watch the curtains dance with the wind, a reminder abundance is both renewable and undiminishable. by creating a meandering line of natural beauty through our space, we feel a soul revival as we follow its path.

clear the clutter. clutter keeps us at a distance from who we are fully. but clearing clutter isn’t a mandate to get the house into magazine worthy shape. rather, it’s about creating space you LOVE; feeling a flash of delight when you wake up; and honoring your essence so you really show up wherever you go. whether clutter bothers you or you’ve simply become numb, its low-grade vibe is infiltrating other parts of your life. try finishing an unfinished project – neglected endeavors are sneaky clutter. no matter how organized your TO DO list feels, is the weight of it collapsing you? move 3 things off, and enjoy the exhale. before buying something new, make sure it’s quality over quantity – cheap is expensive in the long haul. and when you make a purchase, donate something “old” to make room for the new. by releasing clutter – counterfeits of happiness – we discover empowering joy.

go for LOVE. our eye naturally prowls for beauty, so find something that connects you to that holy feeling of love. and keep something you love like that in every room. maybe it’s conversation-starting artwork; perhaps it’s a chunky knit throw flaunting itself on the couch; or imagine a sparkly chandelier bathing everyone in lovely light. whatever we choose, when we love it, it says we belong to this place – and that sets off energy fireworks!

there are ample opportunities to focus on the downdrafts of life, but if we do, it’s difficult for positive changes to take effect. it’s sort of like putting fresh flowers in a dirty vase. a little effort cleaning the vase makes a mighty difference in how those blooms thrive. YOU — your thoughts, your energy, your feelings — are a huge influence in the world. and a little TLC in your space will trigger the kind of positive changes we want to see in the world! xo