simple shui | magic mirror on the wall

mirrors are often referred to as a shui MVP.


mirrors flaunt energy, making a room feel alive.

placed in the right spot, mirrors open up space.

mirrors double whatever reflects within their gaze.

and the bigger a mirror, the more energy you have sauntering to and fro.

they reflect light, a wake up call for dark nooks and tired rooms.

most importantly, mirrors activate energy and it influences our own wattage.


i don’t believe in making changes simply for the sake of shui. so before your house is bathing in mirrors, here are a few considerations worth noting about the ones already hanging around:


if you have a mirror in your bedroom right now and you’re sleeping like a beauty, don’t change a thing. not all feng shui cures apply to every situation +/or person.

however. if you have trouble sleeping, let’s talk about that mirror mirror on your bedroom wall. mirrors increase energy flow, and energy disrupts sleep.

a quick fix: cover the bedroom mirror(s) for a couple nights and notice if your sleep improves. honestly, this is one of those shui magic tricks i can’t explain logically, but most clients come back to me equally refreshed and surprised.

if you do sleep soundly with the mirror(s) covered, consider replacing it with something you LOVE – a large print or mural, maybe a juju hat, or even a few mounted lanterns. and if you simply must have a mirror in your room’s décor, hang it on a non-facing wall when you’re tucked in bed.

feng shui + mirrors + bedroom


mirrors double what they reflect. so, it’s worth your extra mile to LOVE what it ‘sees’. a mirror over the mantle might make an impressive style statement, but if it’s reflecting the backyard corner your dog favors for doing his business, a-hem, that pile up is likely being ‘doubled’ in your life. likewise, the front hall mirror is always a lovely gesture unless it’s showcasing a pit stop of mail, shoes, and clutter. and if your bedroom is a catch all for work + laundry + things-without-homes – and your mirror reflects it all – you likely wake up feeling buried alive before the day begins. bottom line: mine and mind the details of what your mirrors reflect.

mirrors + feng shui


what you LOVE absolutely overrides any shui suggestion – so, if small mirrors make you happy, keep them. however, have at least one mirror everyone can see her/himself in completely. mirrors are associated with self-esteem. and if our kids can’t see themselves fully in any mirror, it subtly suggests they won’t measure up. also, while a full-length mirror on the back of their doors seems like a reasonable solution, it is SO important they see themselves fully in the reflection. mirrors can distort our body image if we “don’t fit” – a worthy consideration if there are little people blossoming into adolescents under your roof.

mirrors + feng shui + where to hang them

no matter where your mirrors hang, keep them clean {dust + smudges double, too}. keep them proportional to the room. and now that you know all the magic they possess, oh my stars, let loose your creative genius and see what you can positively double up on in your life!

*mirrors come with a whole toolbox of fixes and possibilities, making them a personal favorite of mine for deciphering energy into something better. and i am sharing a few more tricks in my next newsletter – so, if you haven’t signed up yet, whatcha waiting for?
