what do you do when you first walk through someone’s house?

last week, i was asked “what do you do when you first walk through someone’s house?”

and my answer absolutely delighted me because it came straight from my “Become Your Own Feng Shui Consultant” course.


when i created this 6-week program, it was for anyone who really wanted to shui their home but not necessarily invest in a consult. so, i was incredibly divulging, sharing as much of my process as possible!

so, if you’ve been wondering what you’ll learn from this program, here’s a peek…

+ you’ll meet the bagua and get to know all its life areas week one. think of this as a whole new way to *design* your surroundings. you’ll learn to interpret energy patterns happening around you and how to make changes in ways that are wonderfully supportive for you and your family!

+ the following week, it’s a proper introduction to chi enhancers and their variety of flexes. even better? this is the module i share my shui consultation process (how i *walk* a home) with you!

+ in week three, the discussion turns to clutter and ways to eliminate / manage it. i also share a super clever approach to eliminating it working with the 5 elements. oooh – it’s good!

+ the next module is a favorite of mine: common home challenges. so much of what creates energetic turbulence in a home is the way energy is moving though it – this is professional level stuff. i teach you 18 *splinters* that i see most often – and give you their remedies!

+ week five is all about the 5 elements and how to work with their superpowers – another topic i adore! when it comes to chi, think of these as your spice cabinet for life!

+ and we wrap with a discussion on space clearing. i share a few ritual recipes for regular energetic cleanses, and i also mention where i get my supplies and how i work with it all. it really is the perfect note to end on.

on top of all that, the resource library is BANANAS – there’s just so much to feast on here!

i truly believe in the power of shui to transform lives. Feng Shui is a practice that considers everyone and everything in your space. it’s where home improvement meets self-improvement. so, if you’re curious to learn more, meet me over here, shui smartie! xo