YOU create the greatest energy…

i recommend TLC-ing your space when manifesting is the order of the day because changing even one thing in our surroundings with deliberate intention is how we request our desires, advocate for ourselves, and stage our own success.

but it needs your cooperation, so…

keep your vibes high. this is where our physical deposits and withdrawals matter. an excess of substances (coffee, wine, whatever your poison), staying up late, social media scrolling, binge-watching… these are okay when consumed moderately. but when they hypnotize and distract us, it is easy to over-draft our high wattage and end up with an energy deficit instead. eat healthy, get enough sleep, observe stillness a couple minutes every day, break a sweat, get outdoors, read something (besides your social feed!), muse on the positives… these make hefty deposits. so, figure out how to keep your balance in the black because when it comes to our own frequency…

*like attracts like.* when our own side of the street is clean, we are mighty attractive to opportunities, synchronicities, people, and auspicious LUCK! things begin to line up almost effortlessly. so, if life feels more push than pull, it’s time for some refurbishing. not always fun, but this is where we make the most affective and effective changes. and it’s worth that effort because when we sincerely change our daily routines and rituals for the better…

our outlook sharpens and improves. the right energy feeds into our muscles, and we become confident with decisions, boundaries and discernment around what is worth our resources (time, energy and money!). when personal energy gets low, we collapse from carrying what isn’t in our best interest. and soon enough, more energetic thieves close in on us. so, it goes back to keeping our own vibes high, and then…

surrender. the most powerful and straightforward route to manifestation is remaining neutral about HOW / WHEN things will change while staying positive. it’s a little tricky, but when we get into that space, we release (our perception of) control which keeps our spirit above water. and that’s when the magic from your shui can slip in and over-deliver. xo