6 things to consider before you BUY a home!

while there is no such thing as a “perfect” Feng Shui home, there are a few factors worthy of consideration when looking for a new home. so, if you’re in hot pursuit for new digs, here are 6 things that you really shouldn’t overlook or ignore:

location, location, location: if your new space is near a cemetery, near heavy-duty utility poles, or alongside a highway – look somewhere else.

if possible, gather a little info about the previous owners. you’ll be inheriting their energy. while a space clearing can help clean / clear that “residue” up, this info about their lives also indicates if there are challenges held in place by the home layout / structure / location. and with that information, it is easier to determine if those challenges can be effectively remedied or not.

observe the energy of the land / environment around your house. is it thriving? does it feel good to you? the energy around us influences our lives while we are in its proximity, and that chi matters SO much more than you think!

can you see the front door? this is where opportunity finds you and knocks, so visibility is important!

what do you see upon entering the home – more specifically, where are your eyes immediately drawn? if the answer is out a window or back door; into a bathroom; or the kitchen, this these will need to be remedied.

before buying a home that requires upgrades +/or renovations, make sure your circumstances allow you to address those within a reasonable amount of time. the more you LOVE the space you call home, the less runway there is between you and whatever you want to manifest in your life! remember, your chi matters here so make sure you’re getting a “high” from wherever you decide to call home!

does this list have you curious to learn more? watch for the next session of my Group Consult! we cover alllll of this and so much more! (and if you can’t wait until fall, i highly recommend a 1:1 consult — it helps SO much to get this guidance before you say YES to a house!) xo